What are those 8 MAJOR GREEN FLAGS you should look for in online dating?
(Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, OkCupid)
By: Evelyn Necosia Narollo
Published on: April 6, 2021
( 15 minutes read )
"You do not need someone to complete you, you only need someone to accept you completely."
The Internet has become a huge provider in today’s world of
people’s lives in general. We are immensely connected by it whether we like it
or not ever since it has been introduced in the market and humanity. It has a
lot of uses in our day-to-day lives.
We can easily connect to the world even from the comfort of our
home. We used the internet in our day-to-day lives not just simply for passing
the time but for us to move forward quickly. From information, we want to know,
to all of the resources of what today’s world has to offer is all in the power
of the Internet.
We can easily access everything we want to see on another side
of the World. We can communicate properly and use this as an advantage in
making our life easier.
With this being said, communication plays a vital role in
connecting with someone else. Whether you live nearby or you live far away from
each other. With the help of the internet, we still go in touch with everyone.
We used the internet if we open our Fb account, Instagram
account, and other social media account. Especially in making friends, finding
love we used Sites. Online dating sites that need internet. This leads me to my
topic in today's article.
Connecting through online dating sites has been more massively
used in today’s generation. In particularly looking for any in particular union
we want for us. It is more used since Corona happened. We downloaded dating
sites for the same reason we want to connect people, meet someone out there,
trying our luck to find someone who will match our unique attributes.
We have been using Online Dating sites not just for us to seek
relationships but for some, they seek friendship. Whatever the reason is, it is
a means of effortlessly wanting to know another person.
Have we thought of being aware and being knowledgeable enough in
our approach when we are in Dating Online stage in our lives? We aren’t, for
most of us. We just right jump in, click those who capture our eyes.
There are many reasons why we are on Online
Dating Site.
We are:
Looking for a friendship
Looking for a
Looking for a causal
relationship (HOOKUP, FWB)
And looking for a serious
We may fall under all of these categories in one because in
finding a relationship we also don’t know what we want, not unless we know our
true self.
But one thing we all want in achieving in Dating Online; we want to look for someone who will match our interest and will make it sure that the dynamic is solely in a good direction leading in into some blossoming relationship or maybe just a friend for a lifetime.
Many successful Online Dating stories have already been proved
that it worked out for them, for some, the stories may not end well but that is
why I am here to tackle how can we know and how can we be so sure that the
person we are talking to is legit or real and thus has also the same reason why
they are also there in the dating site in the first place.
It can be sometimes tiring and frustrating, swiping and matching
all of these people one app to another, in the end, all of them only have one
thing in common, the lack of eagerness of committing. Do not tell me you are
going to be there forever in the dating scheme, searching for your the one. No,
we do not want this to happen. We want to make sure that if we find one, we
will make it work, and compromise should be the top priority.
I know my introduction is kind of long to make this article but
I am just engrossed by this topic. This is one of my favorite topics to
discuss. And as long as I can let you know my Learnings in dealing with Real
Successful relationships. I will never get tired of reminding you guys how to
build a successful relationship union.
So here are the 9 Key Important Green Flags you
should look for in Online Dating and if you are looking for a life partner on
your own.
Let's get it started.
Dating in general is about looks. Kidding, really not. What I
mean, is that we like the person first because of course of their physical
attributes. We might like their eyes in the photo, their height, everything
that is related to the exterior beauty. We like to match a person who
significantly is our type. Am I right? Of course.
Men, on the other hand, has different story upon this.
Regardless of the story, the green flag you should look for in this first sign
is their “Photos” One of the main things that you need to assure is their
identity through their photos if they are really real and not a
By this, you need to check if they uploaded 4 or more
photos from a different angle. Different angle consists of an up-close
photo, the rest will be a photo wherein they stand. Do not trust someone who
only shows 1 photo. Though it is good to be mysterious in the first impression,
we should be mindful in this stage.
Every app, regardless if it is a Facebook app or Instagram app,
or any Online Dating app, a bio is the section wherein we respectably introduce
ourselves. Some might not put a bio, some may put silly ones or some may just
input a poem, anecdote, or whatsoever they want to input as long as it
describes them briefly.
In the Dating App, on the other hand, it is considered a Green
Flag if the user puts an effort into typing a long and sincere bio in
their profile. It means that that person is not playing around in most cases
because we don’t know the vast majority. It shows that they are investing time
in showing the people what they are looking for or what they are briefly of
what their bio says.
This is the stage wherein you already had matched people in your
search of the one. This is where you will also receive a lot of greetings.
Perhaps, a single “Hey.” “Hello, how are you?” A major point you want to be
aware of in this stage wherein potential people messages you for the first time
is their way on how they approach you. You need to see a green flag in this
stage as them making an effort of typing a sincere long paragraph intro
greeting. It doesn’t need to be cheesy, google pasted lines. But you will know
because what they will greet you is how they are in general as a person. If
they describe and notice your Red Dress twirling in the sand, that is a huge
sign that this person is serious. A non-serious match will not put an effort
into noticing you in the first place. Or they probably have a lot of matches
that is why they barely give a glance to your profile even. If they read your
bio, and they denoted it in their first greetings, surely it is a big green
Along with their sincere bio in their profile, this one huge green flag you should also consider if this match of yours shows interest in you? If they will share the same interest as you do. If they are talking about what interests them, surely, they want you to know who the person you are talking to and thus they want you to give them the information about yourself as well.
If the conversation is clear in the very beginning of what your
wants, likes, dislikes, common interests are stated. Never doubt, this person
is interested in you. You should consider this a very serious Green Flag in the
Online Dating scheme. Because nobody wants to talk further regarding serious
matters if you are just a pass time to them.
One of the best indicators/signs to look out for as a green flag
in dating online is that is this person looking forward to anything in the
future with you? If we are exchanging chat with someone we match for a long
period, and they don’t seem to open up any topic that will lead you in the
future, must be they didn’t see you in the future with them. If someone has an
interest in you, they will look forward to creating and building a future with
The major green flag you will know in online dating is how often do they chat with you? Do they chat if they just want to have fun? Or do they chat most often with you asking how your day was, and checking you out from time to time? Sure, we are not blind in this case, but for us to know the difference between you are only a time pass person or a serious one is to know the dynamic of your conversation with them. Check their eagerness in talking to you. If they reach out to you daily and if their chat is long enough for you to think it is an essay.
How enthusiastic they were in engaging in a conversation with
you? If you tick this, for sure the person who matches you with this kind of
vibe is decent and serious with you.
There is a no-brainer that we mistook this as normal in dating
online since we are curious being and thus the reason why we are in the dating
world is to meet new people, not just in the exchange of hi hello but an
exchange of handshake in person. If one person wants to meet you in person,
this person is somehow curious about how you look in person or they just want
to see you personally. Some just really want to see you in real life, out of
curiosity and feel if the vibe in chats will also be the same vibe when you two
connect in the face-to-face scenario. This is a huge indication that the person
that wants to meet you, doesn’t just play along.
If someone mentioned their family and friends in the early stage
in exchanging chats in online dating, is a huge indication that someone is a
loving and responsible person. They will mention family in the background
because they are proud and oftentimes they will also ask you about your family
and friends. If they are eager to see your family and friends, it is a major
indication that they are not wasting their time on you. Probably they will
introduce you to their friends and family as well.
Online dating or dating, in general, can somehow drain our energy because of too many
options here and there. But we do not need to tire ourselves, the purpose of using meeting someone new is to learn things and to be a blessing to someone. Just go out there, and see the world and be happy.
My advice:
Do not take things very seriously in the Online
Dating world. Not unless they made it very clear to you their true intentions.
They have the best intentions towards you if they do these subtle things below:
- The message you
on the daily basis.
- They show
kindness not just in words but in their action as well.
- They show gratitude and concern towards you.
- They will share with you the story of their day.
- They will listen to your story as well.
- They will be consistently putting an effort into seeing you.
- And show actions to their words.
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This is your Relationship Guide,
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