By: Evelyn Necosia Narollo
( 12 minutes read )
We live in a generation wherein everything is quick and easy.
Deliveries are on our doorstep. Everybody is busy. Everyone is focused on
achieving something they want to achieve in their life. That we people tend to
forget how to slow the time and forgot to focus on what matters most "Our Overall Health."
The vast majority of people are busy with their own lives. The
busier the person the more they forget how to prioritize their health. I am not
saying everyone, because some people managed to balance things out even how
busy they are performing in their daily lives.
I am saying this, to those who are super busy or not busy even,
but still, they tend to forget to imply the good habit that can make their overall body Strong, Healthy, and Fit.
We became so obsessed with the life we live in, we became so
engrossed with the new luxurious things, gadgets, new invention of the rich
businessman that is yet to discover that we often realized that we already
forget to focus on our inner being.
Some might not even busy but they are just not in the moment in the world because things happened and thus we forgot to prioritize to take care of ourselves.
By doing a healthy lifestyle, is not just about being in tune with yourself, but doing this makes you feel that you are also in love with your overall inner self-growth.
For us to perform a healthy outstanding life in the world we
live in, is that we need to fuel ourselves first with proper nutrition, doing a
healthy habit that can make us strong in the long run.
It is not just about doing a diet for a short period. But it is
the consistency that you will apply to your lifestyle so that it can do a big
impact on your overall life.
In this article, I am going to share with you the “basic
foundation on how you can be your best version of yourself” without
putting much effort into doing so and by staying fit and strong.
Here are the 11 Ways on how to achieve it:
1. Exercise frequently.
I am not purposely writing the word exercise just
for you to back out on reading this article, thus I want you to know that it’s
okay if you don’t have time to exercise. What I want you to do, is to be gentle
with yourself. Trust the process, you do not need to tire yourself in a 1 day
overly super into the gym, super into running for 3 hours, doing some intense
workout and you will feel that you are punishing yourself. Doing an exercise
that you feel like you are happy doing, is what you should be in mind. What you
should do instead is try to take things slow. This is not a race, rather an
action towards the betterment of your life. I said frequently because if you do
an exercise and you are in love with it. You will do it every day that you will
not notice that you are doing it. Exercise is not just about running, aerobics,
etc. You can incorporate doing so at your own pace and at your own time.
Anyhow, remember. “A strong body can go to any places they want.”
It is true they say, cold water is just good for our health once or twice and if we live in a tropical place, sure we all like to drink cold beverages. But by switching to warm/hot water will bring you changes in your healthy habit lifestyle. More so, we should drink water 5 minutes after waking up whatever the time of the day it is, to rejuvenate the loss of water our body consumes when we are sleeping. Drink water before every meal, it will make you not want to eat more and you will feel fuller.
3. Eat a whole food (vegetables, fruits) daily.
We should practice eating vegetables on a day-to-day basis. Not all of us like to eat a certain vegetable because it is not just as yummy as the food in a restaurant, right? But YouTube and in Articles, we searched in google have a lot of recipes that can make our vegetables turn into something yummy and healthy because you know what you put while cooking it. Unless when you order it, you will not know what oil they are even using. By incorporating a healthy food diet in your system. You will automatically love it and your mode of tasting a certain food will be changed.
4. Drink tea at least twice a day (any healthy tea).
I have been drinking tea ever since I remember. Though, the
taste is not that yummy. But tea is one of the healthiest beverages and can
help you detoxify bad toxins in your body. Not just eliminate bad bacteria but
also can help you look younger than you are. I will ask you, why do we even
drink something? It is because we are thirsty and our body needs a lot of
water. But when we drink soda, or juices, or milk tea and Starbucks, we do not
drink these because we are thirsty, we drink this to satisfy our cravings, to
satisfy our curiosity. But if we drink healthy beverages, automatically in our
mind it is a waste of time it doesn’t taste any good. But have you ever thought
of it in the long run? What impact can do by changing your habits? A tea a day
will not cost you harm by sipping it even if you do not like the taste of it.
For those who are coffee lovers. You can drink coffee as well. But drink
Mind what you eat on a day-to-day basis and intuitively ask
yourself, is this healthy? Or is this food can give me satisfaction with my
overall health in the long run? By assessing and being mindful makes your brain
switch into an intuitive food freak. No, I am not scaring you, by this means,
you can eat everything as long as it is properly cooked, proportioned wise and
a healthy balanced meal.
6. Say no to a surprise dine-out invitation.
Sure, we do love to eat outside, in a restaurant. But if done
every day, you will not only gain weight but you will start to feel sicklier.
It is because of the unhealthy food calorie intake you eat. Eating always in a
restaurant is fine it is a reward for ourselves for our good work but if we do
it every other day, it is not good. Especially if we constantly eating in a
fast-food chain. More so this is the main reason why even if we do not eat that
much food at home, we are still having the stubborn fat in our body because of
the food dine out that we seldomly often take for granted because we think we
just did it once or twice a week. So, do not be shy away to decline some of
your friends asking you out for a cozy dinner outside. You can come but
remember to order only healthy options.
7. Cut off sugar intake and sweetened artificial beverages.
If there is anything I would want you to take an action on in maintaining a slim and fab body, is to cut off sugar intake. Rather switch to healthy sweeteners like honey, cinnamon, or dates. With this being said, chocolates, muffins, doughnuts, and any other sweet food will spike your insulin. You can still eat chocolates or any kind of sweets but if you want to get in shape and fabulous body. Sugar should be a big no to your body.
8. Do make a habit of making your food.
Instead of buying food and eating in the restaurant. Give time to make your food. By doing so, you will not just appreciate the effort that you made but you will start to be more mindful of what you are eating on a day-to-day basis.
9. Sleep early.
Sleep is the most fundamental thing that our body needs. If you
ever feel like you are sleepy. Please turn off your phone and make it a
habit of sleeping as early as possible.
10. Do not starve yourself.
Remember this, you are prone to eat more if you deprive yourself of eating the right amount of food.
11. Do Fast.
If you
didn’t know me by now, I am a health freak. I have tried different diets on the internet. But one thing that keeps me focus and keeps me
healthy and fit. By fasting. This is not a secret but I will share with you
more in-depth about my Fasting Journey in my next Article.
Thank you for Reading, Healthy people! Stay safe and please make it a habit of practicing mindfulness in our overall well-being.
Love Muchly,
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